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Kenno Vanommeslaeghe
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Analytical Chemistry, Applied Chemometrics
and Molecular Modelling (FABI)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Medicine and Pharmacy

Laarbeeklaan 103
B-1090 Brussels


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While I'm still occasionally parametrizing CGenFF molecules as part of my application projects, CGenFF is presently managed at the MacKerell lab and disseminated by SilcsBio, LLC.

The CGenFF web service continues to be available at It remains free of charge for academic use and sign-up is near-instantaneous.

Correspondingly updated version of the force field files can be downloaded from the MacKerell lab's (additive) force field page.

If you wish to use CGenFF commercially, make the CGenFF program part of a software pipeline, or simply need higher throughput than the web service can provide, binary licenses (free-of-charge for not-for-profit use) can be obtained by e-mailing

I will not react to e-mails about CGenFF. Questions should be directed to
I may possibly make an exception for really fundamental issues. Note that structures that make no chemical sense, files that are formatted incorrectly, hard-to-understand error messages,... are the opposite of fundamental (and are in fact covered by the FAQ).

The following are archived CGenFF-related pages that are kept here mostly for posterity. They largely reflect my research activities at the University of Maryland, Baltimore up to the end of 2015.

CGenFF tutorials; some of it may be obsoleted by FFParam.

CGenFF Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ about general force field development and specifically the CGenFF Force Field, as opposed to the FAQ about the CGenFF program.

Usage information for the CGenFF program for automatic atom typing and assignment of parameters and charges by analogy.